Saturday, July 10, 2010

Teaching Reading in the Classroom

The International Reading Association (2007) believes that having a quality teacher in the classroom is key to addressing the challenges of reading achievement in schools. They then identified six elements which teacher training institutions must integrate into their programs in order to ensure that teachers teach reading well. These include:
1) Content, which embodies research about how students achieve reading success.
2) Faculty and teaching, which deals with appropriate content and instructional strategies.
3) Apprenticeships, field experiences, and practica— this exposes teachers to excellent teacher models, coursework, and systematic field experiences.
4) Awareness of diversities that exist among students.
5) Candidate and Program assessment
6) Vision, Resources & Governance.
Personally I found this article to be too teacher centred, since reading achievement within any classroom must be viewed from a 360˚angle. It must take into consideration, the student’s school environment and his/her home environment as well. In other words, the student, his/her parents, significant others,and teacher are major stakeholders in determining reading achievement in the classroom.

What do you think? Please post your views


  1. I am not sure of the article that you are referring to but based on the points you have highlighted I could have seen how they were each essential in addressing the challenges of reading achievement in schools. Don’t get me wrong I also believe that the factors that you mentioned are also critical issues. However, teachers must have a vision and there must be resources and proper governance referring to administration and how programs and resources are managed. Many teachers are set in their ways so exposure to research and teaching in the form of professional development is crucial to the continued effort in dealing with challenges related to reading. People also respond to new things better when there is an experienced person to demonstrate, which is why apprenticeship and field experience would be of great significance. The classroom is also becoming more diverse day by day and it is important to know how to deal with this diversity with respect to reading.

  2. Hey Sabrina, I appreciate your comment 100% and I agree that the factors are essential in addressing the challenges of reading achievement in schools. I just felt though that a more balanced view of ideas within this article would have been more effective. I guess that on that particular issue, maybe they felt a need to only focus on the teacher. Who knows?

    By Abigale Singh

    Hi Avril! Like you, I am also of the view that reading achievement is influenced by a variety of factors. Just to add, Au & Jordan, 1981, et. al confound that reading acquisition is inextricably linked to socio-economic/cultural factors such as ethnicity, social class and primary language. Also, Cooper, 1997, et. al state that reading is related to prior learning, meaning and context.

    On the other hand, I acknowledge the critical role of the teacher in supporting reading development. Lev Vygotsky’s Theory of Transmission which purports that the role of the teacher is to scaffold students at their individual levels through collaborative dialogue. Creating interest and keeping the learner engaged is critical.

    This course has impressed upon me the power of technology in engaging learners. I have found myself fully engaged in class even though I may be tired and saturated. Therefore, as we as future reading specialist search for the right strategies to scaffold learners, I wish to advocate that we integrate the excitement and benefits of technology in developing literacy/learning.
